
When the Time Comes

A bit of a stress-relieving piece of the heroes to-be for Xanh. It's a little generic, but I don't think there's anything wrong with playing on tropes as long as you do your best to execute them well. :]

You can find the rest of my work and updates on DeviantArt

Storyboard Samples

Avengers Assemble © Marvel

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles © Nickelodeon

Took about a couple months before CTNX in order to get these done for consideration as a storyboard revisionist position, and OH MAN, were they fun to do! They reminded me how much I love cinematography and film as a storytelling medium. Nothing feels more fulfilling than storyboards for me! Check out more of my work HERE.


Study Break

I needed a break from the usual stuff, so I did a study. I need to do more of these not only because they teach me so much, but also because it's therapeutic. This is a whiskered treeswift.



To celebrate a small but significant milestone, I sketched this out for 400 likes on Xanh's Facebook page. It's still early and I've yet to post big updates, but if you want to follow the progress of the comic's production, come visit and like the page!


Aqua Maelstrom

One of many more pieces going into the portfolio for this year's CTNx! I struggled quite a bit with the overall water effects, but learned SOsososo much! Ever since I saw a tiny bit of Eyvind Earle's process for Sleeping Beauty, I was hooked on exploring that technique.

For more frequent art updates, follow me on Facebook and DeviantArt!


Painting Studies

I was inspired by Johannes Helgeson and the awesome Helen Chen (listened to an awesome CGMA Interview with her) to focus on brush economy. It's very minimalistic in technique and I dig the results, but I still have a bit of ways to go to form a unique style: